Thursday, March 3, 2011


heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelooooooooooooooooooooo, i'm getting crazy here. Bored to death, almost! arfhhh.....Fine! i am being ridiculous now, trying to entertain myself lately in my room, posing, changing, youtube'ing some exercise which i can do in my room. Lame right? I know... argh! here's the countdown, 3weeks and 2 days more, DANG! the 3 word is still there! God Bless America! -.- keep webcaming with baby and my cousin from paris lately, like alot, due to my sickness which is call the 'boringness'-.-. sleeping late and getting up late lately, eyes getting puffy and literally black, as in dark choco black. ugh, dont wanna imagine what will happen in 3 weeks if i cont be like this.
sorry bout my complaining, just i'm too "wu liao " here.. XD
gotta go to bed now... mwah mwah readers <3

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